BlueKeep Scanner Docker Image
"Hey - this isn't a security blog!"
IKR? But yeah, this BlueKeep stuff a.k.a CVE-2019-0708 seems scary. So, some nice peeps out there have made scanning utilities for this stuff.
There are pre-build MacOS and Windows binaries there. If you love Docker (and I know you do), I also made an image here:
To use it, simply invoke it like this:
docker run --rm -i leonowski/rdpscan:latest x.x.x.x
Where "x.x.x.x" is the IP you want to scan. Full usage and instructions at: . You can also pass in a subnet like x.x.x.x/24 or even a file with a list to scan.
I used google's fantastic distroless images as the base to keep things small. Dockerfile available here: